T-minus 6 days.
Strange isn’t it. The advertisement that appeared on page 2 of this day in the Richmond Guardian (Valentines Day for those who ‘love’ the club) doesn’t list the time of the meeting. How did they know when to turn up?
A scan of other ‘meetings’ in the Richmond area around the time frame has the 1884 Richmond Cricket Club AGM, an 1885 East Richmond C.C meeting, Council Meetings, and the footy club’s 1885 AGM all at 8pm. So one could argue that is the time of the club’s birth.
The venue was chosen for its vicinity to the Punt Road Ground (Google Maps marks it at ~27m from the driveway entrance off Punt Road to the front of the Royal Hotel), as well as being a meeting place for sport fans.
The advertisement at the time for the Royal said it was:
“the well-known Local Cricket and Football Clubs Rendezvous. Match dinners and luncheons provided in first class style. Racing, Cricket Football and other sporting news of latest dates available to customers. Turf register and all important sporting papers filed. Large club room available, suitable for Football, Cricket, Bowling and other meetings, or social gatherings.”
That ‘large club room available’ may very well be the location of the Richmond’s birth.